4. Working with Environments

4. Working with Environments

Creating your own projects

So far we have added packages to the default project at ~/.julia/environments/v1.0, it is, however, easy to create other, independent, projects. It should be pointed out if two projects uses the same package at the same version, the content of this package is not duplicated. In order to create a new project, create a directory for it and then activate that directory to make it the "active project" which package operations manipulate:

shell> mkdir MyProject

shell> cd MyProject

(v1.0) pkg> activate .

(MyProject) pkg> st
    Status `Project.toml`

Note that the REPL prompt changed when the new project is activated. Since this is a newly created project, the status command show it contains no packages, and in fact, it has no project or manifest file until we add a package to it:

shell> ls -l
total 0

(MyProject) pkg> add Example
  Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
  Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git`
 Resolving package versions...
  Updating `Project.toml`
  [7876af07] + Example v0.5.1
  Updating `Manifest.toml`
  [7876af07] + Example v0.5.1
  [8dfed614] + Test

shell> ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan staff 207 Jul  3 16:35 Manifest.toml
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan staff  56 Jul  3 16:35 Project.toml

shell> cat Project.toml
Example = "7876af07-990d-54b4-ab0e-23690620f79a"

shell> cat Manifest.toml
deps = ["Test"]
git-tree-sha1 = "8eb7b4d4ca487caade9ba3e85932e28ce6d6e1f8"
uuid = "7876af07-990d-54b4-ab0e-23690620f79a"
version = "0.5.1"

uuid = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

This new environment is completely separate from the one we used earlier.

Precompiling a project

The REPL command precompile can be used to precompile all the dependencies in the project. You can for example do

(HelloWorld) pkg> update; precompile

to update the dependencies and then precompile them.

Using someone else's project

Simply clone their project using e.g. git clone, cd to the project directory and call

(v1.0) pkg> activate .

(SomeProject) pkg> instantiate

If the project contains a manifest, this will install the packages in the same state that is given by that manifest. Otherwise, it will resolve the latest versions of the dependencies compatible with the project.